Saturday, January 12, 2013

Windows 8's security score: 85

Expected to reach over one billion users worldwide Microsoft's next-generation operating system, Windows 8, an excellent protection against malware does not have the looks strong. Security software company BitDefender durdurabildiğini his analysis showed that 85 percent of Windows malware.

A study measuring the resistance against viruses in Windows 8 operating system, without the use of security software may be at risk showed. International security software company BitDefender, performed analysis, 2012, 15 percent of the most dangerous hackers and malicious software that controls the Windows Defender showed that protection may be in excess. The company tested 385 can cross-malware firewall, Windows Defender has detected 61 percent.

In the analysis, some of the vulnerabilities in Windows 8, even though there was a very successful protection provided. Windows Defender is activated, the operating system under test 385 234 etkiliyemedi malware. Even if malware is activated validated 138 units, engaged, collapsed after six, seven of them in the User Account Control enabled by the system becomes absolutely denied.

Microsoft COMMENT
Microsoft yen, the analysis of security patches offer weeks ago, gave their trust in the name of Microsoft's next-generation operating system.

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