Monday, January 14, 2013

That the most popular word of 2012!

With each passing year, the expanding use of the internet and social media network, continues to affect our daily lives significantly. Even the words we use today is shaped by almost the internet. Social networks like Facebook and Twitter, which is why it is one of the platforms.

American Language Association verifies the quality of his research in this thesis. According to a survey organized by large-scale organization, "hashtag" of 2012 was the most used word. Moreover, "hashtag" in this area, "Gangnam Style" and "YOLO" (You Only Live Once) that marked 2012 as the popular words still have left far behind.

Tiwtter'da keyword to start a topic with "#" symbol is revealed by placing the hashtag, 2012, was one of the biggest distractions. This situation has become so crazy that, again, some crazy families, children, "Hashtag" on putting the name of a saw no harm.

Similar to the popular speech on the Internet that instantly penetrates into our language in the words of the language in the emergence of an entirely different causes. The resulting new "internet language" in later times would lead to another kind of madness, I really wonder.

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